The Family

Our little family was started 4 years ago when my husband and I met and fell in love.  We didn't meet till we were in our 30's so we were ready to settle down right away.  After our first anniversary we started to wait and see what the Lord might do and by the time December came around we were expecting our first sweet baby- a girl! 

Kaylin was born 8 months later, a month early, and on my birthday.  Talk about a birthday gift! She was perfectly perfect and the exact image of her momma.

5 months later we were expecting again- we couldn't believe it.  There was so much hope and expectation for a Thanksgiving baby, but this little one ended up in the arms of Jesus before they were able to be held by ours.  We grieved our loss and experienced God's peace and healing in such a way that we now know Him so much better than we would have otherwise.

Our story wasn't over yet and 4 months later we were expecting again. In Spring of 2012 our prayers were answered and Jordan joined our family, a beautiful boy! (And yes- dad got a son that looks just like the man in the mirror)

Of course, our family wouldn't be a family, without my amazing husband.  He's my partner in all things and loves his kids with every action and choice he makes.  Together we're learning a new normal as we figure out how to keep growing in our marriage and how to raise our kids to love the Lord and each other.  It's an experiment in doing more with less, being more gracious, less selfish, and learning to laugh more each day.

And our home wouldn't be as fun without our four footed, furry, friend- Cooper.  He's our puppy buddy, playmate, and comic relief.  I hope that he survives the tough love the toddler can dish out, and continues to like the slobbery bundle of baby that knocked him a little further down the pecking order. :)

Our family is completely average but we feel extraordinary because of the blessings the Lord has given us; healthy kids, a little home, supportive friends and family- yes we have all we need and are rich beyond belief!  This is our family- sweet, and simple.

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