Saturday, September 15, 2012

It's 6:30am, the kids are still sleeping... let's start a blog.

Having two children that are two and under has changed everything in my life!  It's been a huge learning curve about checking my expectations regarding the order of my 2 bedroom condo, the amount of sleep I get,  how I can use my time, and that being a mini van mom is indeed cool.

Sure I've had my moments of complete melt down and despair, but more often I've laughed because of the stuff that the toddler does, or been completely over taken by love for the baby when I hear his sweet coos and see his amazing gummy grin.   I know, I know ... moms with more kids are saying I have no idea what crazy is... and they're right.  But, in this combined season of toddlerhood and infancy I'm learning to keep my cool (and my mind) by being more on top of the way I live life with a few intentional tricks I'm picking up a long the way. (Thanks to amazing friends, and my mild addiction to Pinterest.)

This is my blog about my life as a wife, mom, friend, shopper, small group member, cook, household organizer, part time worker, sister,  & dog owner... I think that about covers everything. :)  There are a few things I'm learning along the way that help bring order to the busy, and keep me on the right side of  sanity, in the middle of this very packed, happy and busy life.

Welcome to my little spot, I hope you can find something that helps you too. Enjoy! :)

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