Sunday, September 16, 2012

My first installment of things that make me nuts:

Meal Planning and Grocery Shopping:
Okay, time for a moment of honesty... I used to think I was really on top of meal planning and shopping, I used to really like it.  Then, 2 years of being in one stage or another of pregnancy, I realized I would rather eat out, or better yet... have my mom fly in from Denver and cook and freeze lots of meals for us.  Anyone else been there?

I tried, really tried, to pull it together and come up with a menu that had a variety of foods and stayed in our budget, but week after week we ate the same thing and blew the budget almost every time.  Talk about feeling defeated!  I needed help but didn't have the energy or creativity to come up with something that was easy, cut costs, and over all made my life easier.  It wasn't till I happened to see a post on facebook that I discovered emeals.  Let me tell you- It's changed everything in my kitchen.

Emeals is a meal planing/ grocery shopping website that lays out a weeks worth of delicious dinners, the shopping list is organized by meal and sections in the store, and the best thing... the shopping bill is consistently within the 60-70 dollar range. LOVE IT!  Keep in mind there is a very minimal fee to use this service, but with the savings we're getting from using it (around 20%) who cares about the membership fee!

Okay, back to the functionality... the way the shopping list is laid out is pure genius and gives me the ability to cross off the items for meals I don't want to cook without having to cross reference and double check my recipes. The recipes are really tasty and have added back the variety I was looking for! We're trying new things, things I never would have come up with on my own, and enjoying eating and not wasting what I'm cooking (have I mentioned wasted food in the fridge drives me nuts?)

Anyway, I can't wait to share some of my favorite meals from emeals in the time to come, but do yourself a HUGE favor and check it out- you'll love that you can pick the stores and the type of meal plan you want (based on how many people are in your family, and what type of cooking you want to do- low fat, clean, gluten free, etc.)

This is the best tool for busy families on a budget- a must for this mom!  Hope you like what you see and will check it out  by clicking on the banner below-


Have a fabulous day!

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