Friday, September 21, 2012

Pinterest: How to

I mentioned in my first post that I have a mild addiction to Pinterest.  I think it's an easy way to spark creativity, pick up some helpful hints, and realize that you don't have to be Martha Stewart to do amazing crafts and DIY stuff for your own home and family.  It really is for the everyday person who wants to try new things and get things done.

I've talked to all my friends about it and most love it and are active pinners just like me, but others don't have the time or any idea how to make Pinterest work.  If you're like the later have no fear... this post is for you!  I want to break it down and walk you through step by step how to use Pinterest and help you get connected to this great resource.

By the way, this is just a quick start how to.  You'll get the hang of it once you start pinning and repinning on your own.  I hope this helps, and once I figure out how to add buttons to my side bar I'll add a "follow me on Pinterest" button come see what I'm pinning join in on the fun! :)

What Pinterest is:
Pinterest is an online bulletin board where you can collect "pins" about the cool stuff you find on the web.  Your board becomes the place you can store your information for latter reference without the hassle of trying to remember where you saw it and how to find it again.  You can search what other people are pinning by exploring the community board, or you can go online and find new ideas/ information and "pin it" to your own boards with a click of a button.  (you can also upload pictures from your computer to share)

A "Pin" is a picture that gives you and others a visual cue about what's being shared.

You organize your "pins" on boards that you can categorize by any topic or title; "Styles I like," "Ideas for the kids," "Recipes I'd like to try" etc..

How to Start:
To sign up for Pinterest, go to and elect the button "Join Pinterest" at the top of the page.  They'll have you click a couple of pins you like, then when you click the continue button, you can register using your Facebook or twitter account, or create a profile using your email address.

After you've completed the registration process you can start searching other peoples boards and setting up your own.

How to Repin a Pin, and Create a Board:
You'll see lots and lots of pictures or "pins" that you can start searching for things you like.  When you find something that catches your eye you can either hover over it and select the "repin" button, or click it to take a closer look.

When you click a pin another screen will come up that has an enlarged photo of the pin and any comments that other pinners have made.  if you click the larger image you'll be take to the original location of the pin on the web where you can see what the pin is all about.  If you like what you see you can add it to your own board by "repinning." You'll need to click the back button on your browser or select the pinterest tab at the top of the navigation bar. Select "Repin" and you're almost done.

If you've never set up a board before a window will pop up and ask you to name or create a board.  The Pin will then be added to that board.  Once you have multiple boards created you'll be able to select from a drop down menu which one you want to add your pin to.

From there.. just play around and have some fun!

i hope this helps, let me know if I left something out, or if there are any helpful hints for the first time pinner that I should pass along by leaving me a message in the comment section.

Thanks so much and happy pinning!

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