Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Getting to Intentional

For the last 6 months I feel like I've been living in a bit of a fog.  Even before Jordan was born I had some interesting side effects of late pregnancy that put me on semi-bed rest which was next to impossible with Kaylin running around.  So I started off my motherhood of 2 tired and kind of hazy.

Ever since I've been feeling like I'm surviving, sometimes with glimpses of brilliance, but mostly just getting through the day.   I feed, change diapers, run errands, keep house, pick up, and fall exhausted (and way past my night night time) into bed. Yes, I've experienced God's sustaining me, and Yes! I'm loving this time, but I don't have the energy, drive, and personal purpose that I enjoyed before the two tootsies came along.

I know that this is a season that won't last forever, but after 6 months I'm starting to develop habits that could be come a lifestyle.  When I was single I would say that I didn't want to be that person that "used to" do a lot of things but then forgot that part of themselves as life continued on.  But here I am on the verge of becoming a "used to" person. What do I need?  I need to get back to being intentional.

There are some things that I need to start doing again to help myself and, in turn, my kids and husband as I start living life on all cylinders again.  I've decided that I'm going to use the 31 days of October to get into some healthy patterns and get out of this haze.  I know my limits and am very aware that I don't have the time to make major, drastic, marathon sized changes, but I can start making little steps and see where they take me.

So, here's the deal, I'm going to tell you what I'm going to try and accomplish, then I'm going to report back and keep you posted on how it's going.  Hopefully the accountability of having a bit of an audience will keep me honest and on track. :)

I'm working on coming up with the things I want to do differently for the 31 day challenge, but will post those later this week.  I want to pick goals that are manageable, and hopefully make a combined impact of getting me back to a place of having energy and drive again.

Okay, so some questions for you:
What are some things you do to be on purpose in the season of life God has you in? what's working?  What results are you seeing in your life?  I'd love to know so I can learn from you, and be encouraged to do what I say I'm going to do.  Hopefully we can all cheer each other on!

Thanks  and I hope to hear from you!

1 comment:

  1. Good idea! I am one of those moms that used to do other things. I am working on finding my way back there now, and I will tell you it is difficult to say the least. I hope you find your groove again soon.
