Friday, September 28, 2012

31 Day Challenge

Okay, it's time.  I'm ready to tell you what it is I'm going to be doing in the month of October to try and become more intentional in my life.  I've thought about it, I've talked about it some, but now it's time for the rubber to meet the road.... Drum Roll Please.....

(insert cymbal crash here)

For the month of October I will be;

Waking up an hour before my kids:
I need to wake up for my kids, not to my kids.  I will spend this time to get ready, read, pray, possibly journal, most definitely drink coffee, and go over the schedule for the day.  This way I'll be ready to hit it when the kids rise and shine.  (For those of you wondering, I'll be up around 5:00)

for this reforming, non-morning person this will be a tough goal but if I can do goal #2 I will help my self... help myself. :)

Going to bed by 9:30:
I've got in the bad habit of staying up to 11:00 or later these last few months.  Couple this with the shaky sleeping habits of both kids, and still having to get up earlier than I'd like- I'm pooped, all the time, every day, all week long.  This leads to all kinds of bad habits like eating way too much chocolate and other treats to stay awake, drinking cups of diet coke that are bigger than my head, not working out, and generally being a slug when I'm not working or hands on with the kids.  I can make myself keep going for my job and with the kids, but outside of that there's not much left in the tank to take care of me.

Again, this is a hard goal because I find all kinds of fun ways to eat up my evenings, surfing the net, watching TV, writing a blog.... uh, yah... I need to just go to bed.

And for my last goal....

I will go to the gym 3 times a week:
Oh my how the mighty have fallen! I used to run marathons, play ultimate frisbee, hike, bike and dance.  Now I chase a toddler, lug a big baby around in a car seat, and drag them both up and down the stairs at our condo.  Not much exercising going on here.

I have no excuse to not go to the gym since there is built-in child care with the cost of membership, and it's literally just down the street and around the corner. Hopefully getting active again will help clear some of the haze and bring back the energy I used to enjoy. If you're wondering I'm only committing to 3 times because I work early mornings two days a week, and 3 seems worthy of a 31 day challenge but still manageable.

there it is, that's the plan.  not very flashy but little, intentional, things that I will need to choose to do.   I'll keep you posted on how it's going and hopefully I can share any benefits I'm seeing too.

So how about you? Any choices you need to make this October to get back to being more on top of, and in control of your life?  Fill me in, I'd love to know what you're up to and know I'm not in this thing alone.

Thanks so much!  Bring on October!

P.S. Amazing husband is setting up a new blog for me using Word Press.  He's been teaching himself web design and development and wants us to work together to build Two Tootsies into a great blog.  We're still working on getting it just right before I make the move but wanted to give you a heads up that a change is a coming. :)


  1. Great! I've been waiting to see what you'll be doing. Great challenge! You can do it! Don't get down if you don't reach the goal every day, just get back up and try again.

  2. These are great goals. I definitely need to set some goals for myself too.
