Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Bring the Hype!

Today is day 2 of my 31 day challenge and so far, so kinda... okay.

I'm doing my best to stick to it, but I guess my kids haven't quite made the commitment yet. Sunday night I was up at 11:00, 1:30a, 4:14, and 5:30. Monday night, 2:13a, 4:15, and never got back to bed.  One kid has a hacking cough, the other has gas... pleasant combination. As soon as Kaylin isn't contagious I'm getting to the gym, as soon as Jordan is sleeping I'll get up in the morning.

If a picture says 1000 words
- this is my day in two words
 "Help, ME!"
Hoping the next check in shows a little more progress. :)

Today I was completely wiped out but still needed to parent.  Since watching Sesame Street for 8 hours isn't an option I had to be intentional about getting off the couch and out of the house.  So we combined our errand today (going to the grocery store) with an outing (having a picnic at the park).  It helped to have a plan for the morning and feel like I was doing something with my day instead of letting it do it's worst to me. We waited out Jordan's nap with a Sesame Street and played play dough, but then we were off and out of the house enjoying a beautiful fall day. This did wonders to wake me up and pick up my sleep deprived spirit.

Lesson take away- When exhausted, make one choice that can help take control of your day.

Later today as I was watching the clock and counting the minutes till Dad would be home, I got the call that could have made my train come off the tracks...  Dad needed to stay and work late to get a project done.   Arghhh!  I'm tired, have been on the job all day, and just wanted Jody to be home to tag in and take over.  Okay, deep breath, I can do this.

I let Kaylin sleep extra long, made an iced coffee, and moved the lap top down on the floor to get some work done while entertaining Jordan. When Kaylin woke up she played kitchen while I cooked dinner. Jordan went down for a cat nap and we rode out the early evening.  I fed both of the kids and got the call Jody was on his way home- Hallelujah!

I was still exhausted, still not very excited about the fact I had to do an extra hour on my own (really not that big of a deal, but remember I'm running on fumes) I needed to change my attitude and make dad coming home a fun event for the kids and the dad. So, I started to do a cheer ... "15 minute clean sweep, 15 minute clean sweep, 15 minute clean sweep" ... I was hyping up the kids, things were getting picked up, dad coming home was becoming the event of the day, and my attitude was completely changed.  We danced, giggled, raced around... and in the end had a really fun time.

Lesson take away- I need to decide to do things on the outside that help change my attitude on the inside.

Being with the kids all day when I'm really tired is trying, but I know Jody faces stuff all day at work that can be trying too.   I want to make sure that when he comes home at the end of the day he has a happy wife and kids to be welcomed by, and that the house isn't a complete pit. :) Another benefit of the 15 minute clean up- the toddler feels like a big girl because she helped get work done.  When she feels useful her tantrums aren't as frequent or as intense. Win, win, win- all the way around!

So, that's the check in and what I decided to do with my less than ideal situation, and crazy lack of sleep.  I guess, if I was hoping to be more intentional, that I'm doing it- even if it's taking a different form.

Plugging away at it- Hope your month has started well!