Saturday, October 6, 2012

Instagram Saturday

This has been a doozie of a week.  Not only was I not able to get to my October challenge because of kids being sick and a massive amount of sleep deprivation, but I escaped this week with a sinus infection.  I'v been sucking it up and pushing through the pain and congestion because I'm leery about taking any meds that warn nursing moms to think twice before using.... okay, I will.   Now if I could only find my Netty Pot I think I could get relief.

So in the mean time no updates to share, but I thought I'd start a regular installment that I can dust off and bring out from time to time.  Instagram Saturday (or any other day of the week for that fact)  I love taking photographs and have loved the Instagram app on my phone.  It has a bunch of built in filters that give photographs a more dramatic effect and make anyone with a camera on their phone look like they might actually be a budding photographer.

I hope you enjoy my pictures.  If you'd like to follow my feed on Instragram look me up- I'd love to follow you too.

Here are some of my favorites from this summer-
We spent the week of 4th of July with some dear friends at a lake house in Upper Michigan.  It was a relaxing and peaceful environment unless you are Kaylin and haven't grown into the fine art of doing nothing. :)  As we searched for ways to keep her busy, while taking care of Jordan who was only 2 months old at that point, our go-to solution became bubbles.  She would wake up every morning requesting "bubbles, bubbles," and we obliged. So much joy and freedom - I can't see bubbles and not think of our sweet girl and that week at the lake.

I went to a women's retreat with my friends from church and was challenged in what I believe about the Bible and how I would live that out in my life. I realized  I'm way to casual in how I value the Bible and the impact it can have on my life.  I started working through an inductive Bible study by Kay Arthur and have loved digging in to the word of God and seeing things that I haven't before.  This was one of those rare afternoons when both kids decided to nap at the same time and I got to enjoy some quiet time on the porch.
Another favorite of our dear Kaylin is Elmo!  I put Pinterest to work and found some cute Elmo Cupcakes that I thought I could reproduce for Kaylin's birthday.  These were my practice Elmos... they turned out cute but the final Elmo product turned out even better.  It just makes me wonder what kind of crazy things I'll end up attempting for my kid's birthday's throughout the years.
Happy Birthday Kaylin! Yet another favorite thing of Kaylin is Thomas the Train.  For her birthday we went to a Day Out with Thomas and then had lunch at a little diner called Two Toots.  They deliver the food to your booth via model railroad train.  My mom and dad were in town to help celebrate and we got some priceless pictures of the kids with Grandma and Grandpa.  This is one of my favorites- three generations of energetic women.  So lovely!
Just in case you thought I forgot about Jordan here's some of the sweet snap shots of him this summer...  Nap time, Mini Daddy, and a day at the park.  This kid is amazing and blows me away with his clear blue eyes and gummy grin.  He is my little cuddle buddy and sweet peanut. 

Hope you enjoyed!  We'll be going to a pumpkin patch sometime soon and I hope to catch more pictures of my sweet family and what we're up to.

Have a great day!

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