Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Ugh! Blech! Grrrrrrr….
Oh how humbled I am!  I set out to do this amazing 31 day challenge. I wanted to be more intentional and get back to being in control of my time and the structure of my day.  What happened?  Nothing.
Blame it on the incessant sleeplessness of my children, feeling lazier and lazier as the days got shorter, or not keeping myself motivated – October did not turn out the way I hoped. Than came November, I was embarrassed… and still not sleeping. December getting more sleep, but now I want  to play all the way through Christmas. How about a re-do in 2013?
I avoided the whole issue by not looking at my blog- If I’m not writing than no one is reading, and if no one is reading no one will remember my proud declarations of self improvement.  Okay, I can’t hide from this forever.  I want to be in, I’m going to be in, I really am! I’m coming back to blogging too, still not feeling exactly organized or planned out when it comes to what I’ll blog, but I’ll try and share things that catch my fancy, make me think, or make my life easier…
Here we go, thanks for your gracious acceptance of me, a flawed goal setter and delinquent blogger. :)
P.S. So there will be something of interest in this post I’ve added a few pictures of my adorable family from the fall. If I can’t impress you with what I’m doing, I can distract you with cute kids and a handsome husband.
Have a great week-

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